How to Apply Coupon Codes on Websites? Learn 3 Steps!

Welcome to Ultimate Apparels Blog. Today’s topic is “HOW TO USE COUPON CODE“. Well this is something that is really important to know if you are not sure about it. We are getting emails regarding this issue so we thought we should write little bit about it. I am going to discuss 3 Easiest Steps through by which you could easily apply coupon codes in any eCommerce website or Ultimate Apparels. So lets take example of Ultimate Apparels and learn how to apply coupon codes on this website. Mostly all websites have similar design or pattern of applying coupon codes so If you learn from here you would be able to apply on any other website as well. Lets get started! STEP #01: After selecting your product click on the “Add to Cart“, “Buy Now” or “Add to Bag” you will be redirected to another page. That page would be “Shopping Cart” page where your all shopping details are listed there. Now take an look of below image so you can understand it better. how to apply coupon codes on websites There is a box named “Use coupon code“. However on many other websites the place would be vary from right to left, footer to header but you will the find the button on this shopping cart page. STEP #02: Select or click on “Use coupon code“. The box will come up right after it. You can insert your desire code there and click on the button “Apply Coupon” very next to it. Apply coupon codesSTEP #03: After inserting successfully you will find pop up on right top which states this: “Your coupon code discount has been applied”. In addition you may also see the grand total in which you would find the deduct amount as well. If you find some other message like your coupon has been expired or invalid then kindly talk to the website representative straightaway or check your discount code too. Shopping Cart Discount Code After completing above steps now you could move to the further steps by clicking on “Checkout“. This is just a sample format of Ultimate Apparels to understand the process although other websites might have different structure and design but the process will be remained same like above. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS. WAITING FOR YOU FEEDBACK

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